
Tag: Tax Reduction Strategies

#48 | Moving to Tax-Free in 8 Steps

Show NotesGuest ProfileTranscriptView All Episodes In this episode of Protecting and Preserving Wealth,' we dive into Bruce Hosler's article, "Moving to Tax-Free: Eight Steps You Can Take for Success." We are joined by Bruce Hosler and Alex Koury, who walk us through these crucial steps to achieve a tax-free retirement. We begin with the importance of sourcing and engaging trusted
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#47 | The Roth IRA is no longer the ideal wealth transfer vehicle

Show NotesGuest ProfileTranscriptView All Episodes In this episode of 'Protecting and Preserving Wealth,' we delve into the significant changes to the Roth Stretch IRA, resulting from the SECURE Act, that came into effect on January 1, 2020. This Act drastically altered the landscape, as it now requires inherited IRAs to be fully withdrawn within ten years, eliminating the lifetime benefit
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#45 | Protecting & Preserving Wealth Explained

Show NotesGuest ProfileTranscriptView All Episodes In this episode of "Protecting and Preserving Wealth,"  Jason Hosler and I discuss the firm's commitment to protecting their clients' financial futures. I begin by underlining the company's longstanding dedication to protecting and maintaining money during global volatility, something many overlook. Delving into my new book, "Moving to Tax-Free," I underscore the practicality of tax
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#44 | BONUS – David McKnight on The Power Of Zero in 2024

Show NotesGuest ProfileTranscriptView All Episodes Bruce Hosler welcomes a special guest for today's episode. We discuss the critical state of the U.S. national debt and its implications for future tax rates with David McKnight, author of "The Power of Zero." McKnight highlights the dramatic increase in national debt from $5 trillion in 1999 to an expected $54 trillion by 2033.
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#43 | MOVING TO TAX-FREE™ Bruce’s New Book

Show NotesGuest ProfileTranscriptView All Episodes In this episode of "Protecting and Preserving Wealth," we delve into the significance of moving financial assets to tax-free vehicles, a topic I have extensively explored in my new book, “MOVING TO TAX-FREE™.” Alongside Jason Hosler and host Jon Jag Gay, we discuss the critical nature of planning for a tax-free retirement, emphasizing the importance
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#37 | The US Debt Clock – And What It Can Tell You

Show NotesTranscriptView All Episodes Today, Bruce Hosler and Jon Gay dive into the financial realities of the United States, focusing on the website USDebtClock.org. This website offers real-time data on national finances, including our ever-increasing national debt. As of this podcast, the U.S. national debt is at about $33.7 trillion, a steep increase from $27 trillion just three years ago.
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Should I Take the Standard Tax Deduction or Itemize?

  Should I Take the Standard Tax Deduction or Itemize? It’s a question many taxpayers ask themselves each year: Should I itemize my deductions, or should I take the standard? Of course, every situation is different, but we can provide guidance on the factors that contribute to this decision. As specialists in “moving to tax-free” we help clients prepare for

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Explaining 5 Major Benefits of the Roth 401(k)

  Building a Tax-Free Future: 5 Major Benefits of the Roth 401(k) Most people are familiar with the traditional 401(k) retirement account.  It has become the de facto retirement-saving vehicle for millions of Americans.  At Hosler Wealth Management, we’re big fans of the traditional 401(k)’s tax-free cousin, the Roth 401(k). Like the better-known Roth IRA, the Roth 401(k) is a

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#29 | 529 Plan Update for 2023

Show NotesTranscriptView All Episodes In this episode of "Protecting and Preserving Wealth," Bruce and Jon dive into a comprehensive discussion about the intricacies and nuances of 529 plans. These plans, designed to aid in saving for educational expenses, offer a range of benefits that extend beyond traditional college savings. We highlight the potential tax advantages of 529 plans, one of
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#28 | Stop Contributing to IRAs and 401Ks

Show NotesTranscriptView All Episodes In this episode of "Protecting and Preserving Wealth," Bruce and Jon discuss a counterintuitive approach: discontinuing contributions to traditional IRAs and 401ks. Drawing insights from IRA distribution expert Ed Slott, I challenge established retirement planning conventions. Slott is a recognized authority in IRA planning, is a professional speaker, best-selling author, and well-regarded by The Wall Street
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